Cost Centres

A cost centre is part of the costing structure in payroll. It can be a physical location, for example a manufacturing plant, or it can be an employee grouping, such as administration or sales. Whatever structure is defined, it is likely that your cost centres will be a replication of the general ledger.

Every transaction in your payroll will be costed to one or more cost centres. A variety of costing reports are available to report on payroll costing allocations, and can be filtered by a range of criteria.

Viewing Your Costing Structure:

Each company must contain at least one cost centre. There is no upper limit on the number of cost centres you can create. Each cost centre can contain a number of departments, which in turn contain employees. Employee payrun costs are collated at the department level, which in turn are collated under cost centres. This allows you to report on payroll costing figures at any level, from employee at the bottom of the structure to cost centre at the top.

You can access your costing structure from two different points:

  1. From the navigator go to Company | Maintain company details. In the company window, the Cost Centres node is listed on the left.


    From the navigator go to Payroll | Payroll Framework then double click the Cost Centres node.
  2. Select the Cost Centres node on the left to view all Departments which are linked to that cost centre.
  3. Select a Department node then select the Employees node to see all employees who are linked to that department.

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